Our Original Free Use PowerPoints for History, Holidays, Myths, Legends
We have taught Ancient History, American History, Geography, and other social studies topics, as well as Language Arts, in grades 6-9. These powerpoints were created by us for use in our classrooms and contain original art by Phillip Martin. They can be adjusted for any grade and are free to use in your classroom, both the content and the art. Help yourself, and have a great year!
Free Use Presentations in PowerPoint format for Ancient History & Ancient Civilizations for Kids
Archaeology for Kids
Early Humans
Nero at the Circus Maximus (Rome)
Ancient Chinese Dragons (China)
Free Use Presentations: Aesop's Fables for Kids
Just a note: We open each day of our unit on ancient Greece with one Aesop's Fable. Sometimes we read them. Occasionally, we have the kids act them out in class as off the cuff plays. (So very Greek, and very fun.) Kids are amazing. They can forget what they are studying, while they are studying it. The use of Aesop's Fables is a quick way to keep them in Ancient Greece.
Free Use Presentations: 7 Wonders of the Ancient World retold by Lin Donn for Kids
Free Use Presentations for Native Americans in Olden Times for Kids retold by Lin Donn
The Invisible Warrior (Woodland Indians, A Cinderella Story)
Wise Owl (Northeast Woodland Indians, an Iroquois Myth)
Clever Coyote (Plains Indians, a Buffalo Story)
Child of Water & Little Blue Rock (Southwest Indians, An Apache Myth)
How Raven Stole Crow's Potlatch (NW Pacific Coastal Indians)
Free Use Presentations for Holidays, Culture, and Religions for Kids retold by Lin Donn
Black History Month - Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks,
and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Was Columbus Smart about Safety?